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YAML files
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On this page
Use Fleet's best practice GitOps workflow to manage your computers as code. To learn how to set up a GitOps workflow see the Fleet GitOps repo.
Fleet GitOps workflow is designed to be applied to all teams at once. However, the flow can be customized to only modify specific teams and/or global settings.
Any settings not defined in your YAML files (including missing or mispelled keys) will be reset to the default values, which may include deleting assets such as software packages.
The following are the required keys in the default.yml
and any teams/team-name.yml
name: # Only teams/team-name.yml. To edit a team's name, change `name` but don't change the filename.
controls: # Can be defined in teams/no-team.yml too.
software: # Can be defined in teams/no-team.yml too
org_settings: # Only default.yml
team_settings: # Only teams/team-name.yml
Currently, managing labels and users is only supported using Fleet's UI or API (YAML coming soon).
Policies can be specified inline in your default.yml
, teams/team-name.yml
, or teams/no-team.yml
files. They can also be specified in separate files in your lib/
For possible options, see the parameters for the Add policy API endpoint.
, teams/team-name.yml
, or teams/no-team.yml
- name: macOS - Enable FileVault
description: This policy checks if FileVault (disk encryption) is enabled.
resolution: As an IT admin, turn on disk encryption in Fleet.
query: SELECT 1 FROM filevault_status WHERE status = 'FileVault is On.';
platform: darwin
critical: false
- name: macOS - Enable FileVault
description: This policy checks if FileVault (disk encryption) is enabled.
resolution: As an IT admin, turn on disk encryption in Fleet.
query: SELECT 1 FROM filevault_status WHERE status = 'FileVault is On.';
platform: darwin
critical: false
calendar_events_enabled: false
- name: macOS - Disable guest account
description: This policy checks if the guest account is disabled.
resolution: As an IT admin, deploy a macOS, login window profile with the DisableGuestAccount option set to true.
query: SELECT 1 FROM managed_policies WHERE domain='com.apple.loginwindow' AND username = '' AND name='DisableGuestAccount' AND CAST(value AS INT) = 1;
platform: darwin
critical: false
calendar_events_enabled: false
path: ./disable-guest-account.sh
- name: Install Firefox on macOS
platform: darwin
description: This policy checks that Firefox is installed.
resolution: Install Firefox app if not installed.
query: "SELECT 1 FROM apps WHERE name = 'Firefox.app'"
package_path: ./firefox.package.yml
- name: [Install software] Logic Pro
platform: darwin
description: This policy checks that Logic Pro is installed
resolution: Install Logic Pro App Store app if not installed
query: "SELECT 1 FROM apps WHERE name = 'Logic Pro'"
package_path: ./linux-firefox.deb.package.yml
# app_store_id: '1487937127' (for App Store apps)
(for policies that neither install software nor run scripts), teams/team-name.yml
, or teams/no-team.yml
- path: ../lib/policies-name.policies.yml
Currently, the
policy automations can only be configured for a team (teams/team-name.yml
) or "No team" (teams/no-team.yml
). The automations can only be added to policies in which the script (or software) is defined in the same team (or "No team").calendar_events_enabled
can only be configured for policies on a team.
Queries can be specified inline in your default.yml
file or teams/team-name.yml
files. They can also be specified in separate files in your lib/
Note that the team_id
option isn't supported in GitOps.
For possible options, see the parameters for the Create query API endpoint.
or teams/team-name.yml
- name: Collect failed login attempts
description: Lists the users at least one failed login attempt and timestamp of failed login. Number of failed login attempts reset to zero after a user successfully logs in.
query: SELECT users.username, account_policy_data.failed_login_count, account_policy_data.failed_login_timestamp FROM users INNER JOIN account_policy_data using (uid) WHERE account_policy_data.failed_login_count > 0;
platform: darwin,linux,windows
interval: 300
observer_can_run: false
automations_enabled: false
- name: Collect failed login attempts
description: Lists the users at least one failed login attempt and timestamp of failed login. Number of failed login attempts reset to zero after a user successfully logs in.
query: SELECT users.username, account_policy_data.failed_login_count, account_policy_data.failed_login_timestamp FROM users INNER JOIN account_policy_data using (uid) WHERE account_policy_data.failed_login_count > 0;
platform: darwin,linux,windows
interval: 300
observer_can_run: false
automations_enabled: false
- name: Collect USB devices
description: Collects the USB devices that are currently connected to macOS and Linux hosts.
query: SELECT model, vendor FROM usb_devices;
platform: darwin,linux
interval: 300
observer_can_run: true
automations_enabled: false
or teams/team-name.yml
- path: ../lib/queries-name.queries.yml
Agent options can be specified inline in your default.yml
file or teams/team-name.yml
files. They can also be specified in separate files in your lib/
See "Agent configuration" to find all possible options.
or teams/team-name.yml
- SELECT uuid AS host_uuid FROM system_info;
- SELECT hostname AS hostname FROM system_info;
disable_distributed: false
distributed_interval: 10
distributed_plugin: tls
distributed_tls_max_attempts: 3
logger_tls_endpoint: /api/osquery/log
logger_tls_period: 10
pack_delimiter: /
- SELECT uuid AS host_uuid FROM system_info;
- SELECT hostname AS hostname FROM system_info;
disable_distributed: false
distributed_interval: 10
distributed_plugin: tls
distributed_tls_max_attempts: 3
logger_tls_endpoint: /api/osquery/log
logger_tls_period: 10
pack_delimiter: /
or teams/team-name.yml
We want
for policies and queries because it’s an array. Agent Options we do not use-
path: ../lib/agent-options.yml
The controls
section allows you to configure scripts and device management (MDM) features in Fleet.
is a list of paths to macOS, Windows, or Linux scripts.windows_enabled_and_configured
specifies whether or not to turn on Windows MDM features (default: false
). Can only be configured for all teams (default.yml
specifies whether or not to automatically migrate Windows hosts connected to another MDM solution. If false
, MDM is only turned on after hosts are unenrolled from your old MDM solution (default: false
). Can only be configured for all teams (default.yml
specifies whether or not to enforce disk encryption on macOS, Windows, and Linux hosts (default: false
- path: ../lib/macos-script.sh
- path: ../lib/windows-script.ps1
- path: ../lib/linux-script.sh
windows_enabled_and_configured: true
windows_migration_enabled: true # Available in Fleet Premium
enable_disk_encryption: true # Available in Fleet Premium
macos_updates: # Available in Fleet Premium
deadline: 2024-12-31
minimum_version: 15.1
ios_updates: # Available in Fleet Premium
deadline: 2024-12-31
minimum_version: 18.1
ipados_updates: # Available in Fleet Premium
deadline: 2024-12-31
minimum_version: 18.1
windows_updates: # Available in Fleet Premium
deadline_days: 5
grace_period_days: 2
- path: ../lib/macos-profile1.mobileconfig
labels_exclude_any: # Available in Fleet Premium
- Macs on Sequoia
- path: ../lib/macos-profile2.json
labels_include_all: # Available in Fleet Premium
- Macs on Sonoma
- path: ../lib/macos-profile3.mobileconfig
labels_include_any: # Available in Fleet Premium
- Engineering
- Product
- path: ../lib/windows-profile.xml
macos_setup: # Available in Fleet Premium
bootstrap_package: https://example.org/bootstrap_package.pkg
enable_end_user_authentication: true
macos_setup_assistant: ../lib/dep-profile.json
script: ../lib/macos-setup-script.sh
- app_store_id: '1091189122'
- package_path: ../lib/software/adobe-acrobat.software.yml
macos_migration: # Available in Fleet Premium
enable: true
mode: voluntary
webhook_url: https://example.org/webhook_handler
specifies the deadline in YYYY-MM-DD
format. The exact deadline is set to noon local time for hosts on macOS 14 and above, 20:00 UTC for hosts on older macOS versions. (default: ""
specifies the minimum required macOS version (default: ""
specifies the deadline in YYYY-MM-DD
format; the exact deadline is set to noon local time. (default: ""
specifies the minimum required iOS version (default: ""
specifies the deadline in YYYY-MM-DD
format; the exact deadline is set to noon local time. (default: ""
specifies the minimum required iPadOS version (default: ""
specifies the number of days before Windows installs updates (default: null
specifies the number of days before Windows restarts to install updates (default: null
is a list of paths to macOS, iOS, and iPadOS configuration profiles (.mobileconfig) or declaration profiles (.json).windows_settings.custom_settings
is a list of paths to Windows configuration profiles (.xml).Fleet supports adding GitHub environment variables in your configuration profiles. Use $ENV_VARIABLE
format. Variables beginning with $FLEET_VAR_
are reserved for Fleet server. The server will replace these variables with the actual values when profiles are sent to hosts. Supported variables are:
Use labels_include_all
to target hosts that have all labels in the array, labels_include_any
to target hosts that have any label in the array, or labels_exclude_any
to target hosts that don't have any of the labels in the array. Only one of labels_include_all
, labels_include_any
, or labels_exclude_any
can be specified. If none are specified, all hosts are targeted.
The macos_setup
section lets you control the out-of-the-box macOS setup experience for hosts that use Automated Device Enrollment (ADE).
is the URL to a bootstrap package. Fleet will download the bootstrap package (default: ""
specifies whether or not to require end user authentication when the user first sets up their macOS host. macos_setup_assistant
is a path to a custom automatic enrollment (ADE) profile (.json).script
is the path to a custom setup script to run after the host is first set up.software
is a list of references to either a package_path
matching a package in the software
section below or an app_store_id
to install when the host is first set up.The macos_migration
section lets you control the end user migration workflow for macOS hosts that enrolled to your old MDM solution.
specifies whether or not to enable end user migration workflow (default: false
specifies whether the end user initiates migration (voluntary
) or they're nudged every 15-20 minutes to migrate (forced
) (default: ""
is the URL that Fleet sends a webhook to when the end user selects Start. Receive this webhook using your automation tool (ex. Tines) to unenroll your end users from your old MDM solution.Can only be configured for all teams (default.yml
Experimental feature. This feature is undergoing rapid improvement, which may result in breaking changes to the API or configuration surface. It is not recommended for use in automated workflows.
The software
section allows you to configure packages and Apple App Store apps that you want to install on your hosts.
Currently, managing Fleet-maintained apps is only supported using Fleet's UI or API (YAML coming soon).
is a list of paths to custom packages (.pkg, .msi, .exe, .rpm, or .deb).app_store_apps
is a list of Apple App Store apps.Currently, one app for each of an App Store app's supported platforms are added. For example, adding Bear (supported on iOS and iPadOS) adds both the iOS and iPadOS apps to your software that's available to install in Fleet. Specifying specific platforms is only supported using Fleet's UI or API (YAML coming soon).
, teams/team-name.yml
, or teams/no-team.yml
- path: ../lib/software-name.package.yml
- path: ../lib/software-name2.package.yml
labels_include_any: # Available in Fleet Premium
- Engineering
- Customer Support
- app_store_id: '1091189122'
labels_include_any: # Available in Fleet Premium
- Product
- Marketing
Use labels_include_any
to target hosts that have any label in the array or labels_exclude_any
to target hosts that don't have any label in the array. Only one of labels_include_any
or labels_exclude_any
can be specified. If neither are specified, all hosts are targeted.
specifies the URL at which the software is located. Fleet will download the software and upload it to S3 (default: ""
is the osquery query Fleet runs before installing the software. Software will be installed only if the query returns results (default: ""
specifies the command Fleet will run on hosts to install software. The default script is dependent on the software type (i.e. .pkg).uninstall_script.path
is the script Fleet will run on hosts to uninstall software. The default script is dependent on the software type (i.e. .pkg).post_install_script.path
is the script Fleet will run on hosts after the software install. There is no default.self_service
specifies whether or not end users can install from Fleet Desktop > Self-service.lib/software-name.package.yml
url: https://dl.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale-setup-1.72.0.exe
path: ../lib/software/tailscale-install-script.ps1
path: ../lib/software/tailscale-uninstall-script.ps1
path: ../lib/software/tailscale-config-script.ps1
self_service: true
is the ID of the Apple App Store app. You can find this at the end of the app's App Store URL. For example, "Bear - Markdown Notes" URL is "https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bear-markdown-notes/id1016366447" and the app_store_id
is 1016366447
.Make sure to include only the ID itself, and not the
prefix shown in the URL. The ID must be wrapped in quotes as shown in the example so that it is processed as a string.
only applies to macOS, and is ignored for other platforms. For example, if the app is supported on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS, and self_service
is set to true
, it will be self-service on macOS workstations but not iPhones or iPads.The features
section of the configuration YAML lets you define what predefined queries are sent to the hosts and later on processed by Fleet for different functionalities.
adds extra host details. This information will be updated at the same time as other host details and is returned by the API when host objects are returned (default: empty).enable_host_users
specifies whether or not Fleet collects user data from hosts (default: true
specifies whether or not Fleet collects software inventory from hosts (default: true
time: SELECT * FROM time
macs: SELECT mac FROM interface_details
enable_host_users: true
enable_software_inventory: true
Direct end users to a custom URL when they select About Fleet in the Fleet Desktop dropdown (default: https://fleetdm.com/transparency).
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
transparency_url: https://example.org/transparency
The host_expiry_settings
section lets you define if and when hosts should be automatically deleted from Fleet if they have not checked in.
(default: false
if a host has not communicated with Fleet in the specified number of days, it will be removed. Must be > 0
when host expiry is enabled (default: 0
host_expiry_enabled: true
host_expiry_window: 10
is the name of your organization (default: ""
is a public URL of the logo for your organization (default: Fleet logo).org_logo_url_light_background
is a public URL of the logo for your organization that can be used with light backgrounds (default: Fleet logo).contact_url
is a URL that appears in error messages presented to end users (default: "https://fleetdm.com/company/contact"
)Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
org_name: Fleet
org_logo_url: https://example.com/logo.png
org_logo_url_light_background: https://example.com/logo-light.png
contact_url: https://fleetdm.com/company/contact
The secrets
section defines the valid secrets that hosts can use to enroll to Fleet. Supply one of these secrets when generating the fleetd agent you'll use to enroll hosts. Learn more here.
- secret: $ENROLL_SECRET
disables AI-assisted policy descriptions and resolutions. (default: false
specifies whether or not to enable Fleet's usage statistics. (default: true
disables the ability to run live queries (ad hoc queries executed via the UI or fleetctl). (default: false
disables query reports and deletes existing reports. (default: false
sets the maximum number of results to store per query report before the report is clipped. If increasing this cap, we recommend enabling reports for one query at a time and monitoring your infrastructure. (default: 1000
blocks access to run scripts. Scripts may still be added in the UI and CLI. (default: false
is the base URL of the Fleet instance. If this URL changes and Apple (macOS, iOS, iPadOS) hosts already have MDM turned on, the end users will have to turn MDM off and back on to use MDM features. (default: provided during Fleet setup)Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
ai_features_disabled: false
enable_analytics: true
live_query_disabled: false
query_reports_disabled: false
scripts_disabled: false
server_url: https://instance.fleet.com
The sso_settings
section lets you define single sign-on (SSO) settings. Learn more about SSO in Fleet here.
(default: false
is the human-friendly name for the identity provider that will provide single sign-on authentication (default: ""
is an optional link to an image such as a logo for the identity provider. (default: ""
is the entity ID: a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that you use to identify Fleet when configuring the identity provider. It must exactly match the Entity ID field used in identity provider configuration (default: ""
is the metadata (in XML format) provided by the identity provider. (default: ""
is the URL that references the identity provider metadata. Only one of metadata
or metadata_url
is required (default: ""
specified whether or not to allow single sign-on login initiated by identity provider (default: false
). enable_sso_idp_login
specifies whether or not to enables just-in-time user provisioning (default: false
).Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
enable_sso: true
idp_name: Okta
idp_image_url: https://www.okta.com/favicon.ico
entity_id: https://example.okta.com
metadata: $SSO_METADATA
enable_jit_provisioning: true # Available in Fleet Premium
enable_sso_idp_login: true
The integrations
section lets you configure your Google Calendar, Jira, and Zendesk. After configuration, you can enable automations like calendar event and ticket creation for failing policies. Currently, enabling ticket creation is only available using Fleet's UI or API (YAML files coming soon).
In addition, you can configure your the SCEP server to help your end users connect to Wi-Fi. Learn more about SCEP and NDES in Fleet here.
domain: fleetdm.com
- url: https://example.atlassian.net
username: user1
api_token: $JIRA_API_TOKEN
project_key: PJ1
- url: https://example.zendesk.com
email: [email protected]
group_id: 1234
url: https://example.com/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll
admin_url: https://example.com/certsrv/mscep_admin/
username: [email protected]
password: 'myPassword'
For secrets, you can add GitHub environment variables
is the contents of the JSON file downloaded when you create your Google Workspace service account API key (default: ""
is the primary domain used to identify your end user's work calendar (default: ""
is the URL of your Jira (default: ""
is the username of your Jira account (default: ""
is the Jira API token (default: ""
is the project key location in your Jira project's URL. For example, in "jira.example.com/projects/EXMPL," "EXMPL" is the project key (default: ""
is the URL of your Zendesk (default: ""
is the username of your Zendesk account (default: ""
is the Zendesk API token (default: ""
is found by selecting Admin > People > Groups in Zendesk. Find your group and select it. The group ID will appear in the search field.url
is the URL of the NDES SCEP endpoint (default: ""
is the URL of the NDES admin endpoint (default: ""
is the username of the NDES admin endpoint (default: ""
is the password of the NDES admin endpoint (default: ""
).The webhook_settings
section lets you define webhook settings for failing policy, vulnerability, and host status automations. Learn more about automations in Fleet here.
(default: false
is the URL to POST
to when an activity is generated (default: ""
enable_activities_webhook: true
destination_url: https://example.org/webhook_handler
(default: false
is the URL to POST
to when the condition for the webhook triggers (default: ""
is the list of policies that will trigger a webhook.host_batch_size
is the maximum number of host identifiers to send in one webhook request. A value of 0
means all host identifiers with a failing policy will be sent in a single request.org_settings:
enable_failing_policies_webhook: true
destination_url: https://example.org/webhook_handler
host_batch_size: 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
(default: false
is the URL to POST
to when the condition for the webhook triggers (default: ""
is the number of days that hosts need to be offline to count as part of the percentage (default: 0
is the percentage of hosts that need to be offline to trigger the webhook. (default: 0
enable_host_status_webhook: true
destination_url: https://example.org/webhook_handler
days_count: 7
host_percentage: 25
(default: false
is the URL to POST
to when the condition for the webhook triggers (default: ""
is the maximum number of host identifiers to send in one webhook request. A value of 0
means all host identifiers with a detected vulnerability will be sent in a single request.org_settings:
enable_vulnerabilities_webhook: true
destination_url: https://example.org/webhook_handler
host_batch_size: 0
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
After you've uploaded an Apple Business Manager (ABM) token, the apple_business_manager
section lets you configure the teams in Fleet new hosts in ABM are automatically added to. Currently, adding an ABM token is only available using Fleet's UI. Learn more here.
Currently, managing labels and users, ticket destinations (Jira and Zendesk), Apple Business Manager (ABM) are only supported using Fleet's UI or API (YAML files coming soon).
is the organization name associated with the Apple Business Manager account.macos_team
is the team where macOS hosts are automatically added when they appear in Apple Business Manager.ios_team
is the the team where iOS hosts are automatically added when they appear in Apple Business Manager.ipados_team
is the team where iPadOS hosts are automatically added when they appear in Apple Business Manager.org_settings:
apple_business_manager: # Available in Fleet Premium
- organization_name: Fleet Device Management Inc.
macos_team: 💻 Workstations
ios_team: 📱🏢 Company-owned iPhones
ipados_team: 🔳🏢 Company-owned iPads
Apple Business Manager settings can only be configured for all teams (
After you've uploaded a Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) token, the volume_purchasing_program
section lets you configure the teams in Fleet that have access to that VPP token's App Store apps. Currently, adding a VPP token is only available using Fleet's UI. Learn more here.
is the name of the location in the Apple Business Manager account.teams
is a list of team names. If you choose specific teams, App Store apps in this VPP account will only be available to install on hosts in these teams. If not specified, App Store apps are available to install on hosts in all teams.org_settings:
volume_purchasing_program: # Available in Fleet Premium
- location: Fleet Device Management Inc.
- 💻 Workstations
- 💻🐣 Workstations (canary)
- 📱🏢 Company-owned iPhones
- 🔳🏢 Company-owned iPads
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
The end_user_authentication
section lets you define the identity provider (IdP) settings used for end user authentication during Automated Device Enrollment (ADE). Learn more about end user authentication in Fleet here.
Once the IdP settings are configured, you can use the controls.macos_setup.enable_end_user_authentication
key to control the end user experience during ADE.
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
is the human-friendly name for the identity provider that will provide single sign-on authentication (default: ""
is the entity ID: a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that you use to identify Fleet when configuring the identity provider. It must exactly match the Entity ID field used in identity provider configuration (default: ""
is the metadata (in XML format) provided by the identity provider. (default: ""
is the URL that references the identity provider metadata. Only one of metadata
or metadata_url
is required (default: ""
entity_id: https://example.okta.com
idp_name: Okta
metadata_url: ""
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
Update this URL if you're self-hosting Fleet and you want your hosts to talk to this URL for MDM features. (If not configured, hosts will use the base URL of the Fleet instance.)
If this URL changes and hosts already have MDM turned on, the end users will have to turn MDM off and back on to use MDM features.
apple_server_url: https://instance.fleet.com
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
The yara_rules
section lets you define YARA rules that will be served by Fleet's authenticated
YARA rule functionality. Learn more about authenticated YARA rules in Fleet
- path: ./lib/rule1.yar
- path: ./lib/rule2.yar
Can only be configured for all teams (org_settings
). To target rules to specific teams, target the
queries referencing the rules to the desired teams.
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