We’re launching free support for BYOD Android devices and looking for early feedback. Interested?
Fleet’s built-in queries for collecting and storing important device information.
Windows update history
Retrieves the history of the update events on a Windows host.
date, title
FROM windows_update_history
WHERE result_code = 'Succeeded';
$updateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$updateSearcher = $updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$totalHistoryCount = $updateSearcher.GetTotalHistoryCount()
$updateHistory = $updateSearcher.QueryHistory(0, $totalHistoryCount)
$updateHistory | Where-Object { $_.ResultCode -eq 2 } | Format-Table Date, Title -AutoSize
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.
Bash commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.