We’re launching free support for BYOD Android devices and looking for early feedback. Interested?
Fleet’s built-in queries for collecting and storing important device information.
VScode extensions
Gathers information about Visual Studio Code extensions installed on a device.
WITH cached_users AS (WITH cached_groups AS (select * from groups)
SELECT uid, username, type, groupname, shell
FROM users LEFT JOIN cached_groups USING (gid)
WHERE type <> 'special' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/false' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/nologin' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/shutdown' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/halt' AND username NOT LIKE '%$' AND username NOT LIKE '\_%' ESCAPE '\' AND NOT (username = 'sync' AND shell ='/bin/sync' AND directory <> ''))
'' AS bundle_identifier,
uuid AS extension_id,
'' AS browser,
'vscode_extensions' AS source,
publisher AS vendor,
'' AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM cached_users CROSS JOIN vscode_extensions USING (uid)
$groups = @{}
if (Test-Path "/etc/group") {
foreach ($line in Get-Content "/etc/group") {
if ($line -match "^\s*#") { continue }
$parts = $line -split ":"
if ($parts.Count -ge 3) {
$gid = $parts[2]
$groupName = $parts[0]
$groups[$gid] = $groupName
$users = @()
if (Test-Path "/etc/passwd") {
foreach ($line in Get-Content "/etc/passwd") {
if ($line -match "^\s*#") { continue }
$parts = $line -split ":"
if ($parts.Count -ge 7) {
$username = $parts[0]
$password = $parts[1]
$uid = [int]$parts[2]
$gid = $parts[3]
$gecos = $parts[4]
$directory = $parts[5]
$shell = $parts[6]
# Approximate type determination: treat users with uid < 1000 as "special"
$type = if ($uid -lt 1000) { "special" } else { "normal" }
# Filter out "special" users
if ($type -eq "special") { continue }
# Exclude users with shells containing /false, /nologin, /shutdown, or /halt
if ($shell -like "*\/false*") { continue }
if ($shell -like "*\/nologin*") { continue }
if ($shell -like "*\/shutdown*") { continue }
if ($shell -like "*\/halt*") { continue }
# Exclude usernames ending with '$' or beginning with '_'
if ($username.EndsWith('$')) { continue }
if ($username.StartsWith('_')) { continue }
# Exclude the sync user with specific shell and non-empty directory
if (($username -eq "sync") -and ($shell -eq "/bin/sync") -and ($directory -ne "")) { continue }
$groupname = $null
if ($groups.ContainsKey($gid)) { $groupname = $groups[$gid] }
$users += [pscustomobject]@{
uid = $uid
username = $username
type = $type
groupname = $groupname
shell = $shell
directory = $directory
$results = @()
foreach ($user in $users) {
# Assume VSCode extensions are installed under the user's home directory in ".vscode/extensions"
$extDir = Join-Path $user.directory ".vscode/extensions"
if (Test-Path $extDir) {
$extensionDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $extDir -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach ($ext in $extensionDirs) {
$packageJsonPath = Join-Path $ext.FullName "package.json"
if (Test-Path $packageJsonPath) {
try {
$package = Get-Content $packageJsonPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
} catch {
$name = $package.name
$version = $package.version
# Use the "uuid" from package.json if it exists; otherwise, use the extension folder name as an identifier.
$uuid = if ($package.uuid) { $package.uuid } else { $ext.Name }
$publisher = $package.publisher
$results += [pscustomobject]@{
name = $name
version = $version
bundle_identifier = ""
extension_id = $uuid
browser = ""
source = "vscode_extensions"
vendor = $publisher
last_opened_at = ""
installed_path = $ext.FullName
# Write the comparable result to stdout
$results | Format-Table -AutoSize
bash -c "sqlite3 -header -csv /path/to/database.db \"WITH cached_users AS (WITH cached_groups AS (SELECT * FROM groups) SELECT uid, username, type, groupname, shell FROM users LEFT JOIN cached_groups USING(gid) WHERE type <> 'special' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/false' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/nologin' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/shutdown' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/halt' AND username NOT LIKE '%\$' AND username NOT LIKE '\\_%' ESCAPE '\\' AND NOT (username = 'sync' AND shell = '/bin/sync' AND directory <> '')) SELECT name, version, '' AS bundle_identifier, uuid AS extension_id, '' AS browser, 'vscode_extensions' AS source, publisher AS vendor, '' AS last_opened_at, path AS installed_path FROM cached_users CROSS JOIN vscode_extensions USING(uid)\""
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.
Bash commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.