We’re launching free support for BYOD Android devices and looking for early feedback. Interested?
Fleet’s built-in queries for collecting and storing important device information.
Gathers information about software installed on a device running macOS.
WITH cached_users AS (WITH cached_groups AS (select * from groups)
SELECT uid, username, type, groupname, shell
FROM users LEFT JOIN cached_groups USING (gid)
WHERE type <> 'special' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/false' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/nologin' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/shutdown' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/halt' AND username NOT LIKE '%$' AND username NOT LIKE '\_%' ESCAPE '\' AND NOT (username = 'sync' AND shell ='/bin/sync' AND directory <> ''))
name AS name,
COALESCE(NULLIF(bundle_short_version, ''), bundle_version) AS version,
bundle_identifier AS bundle_identifier,
'' AS extension_id,
'' AS browser,
'apps' AS source,
'' AS vendor,
last_opened_time AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM apps
name AS name,
version AS version,
'' AS bundle_identifier,
identifier AS extension_id,
browser_type AS browser,
'chrome_extensions' AS source,
'' AS vendor,
0 AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM cached_users CROSS JOIN chrome_extensions USING (uid)
name AS name,
version AS version,
'' AS bundle_identifier,
identifier AS extension_id,
'firefox' AS browser,
'firefox_addons' AS source,
'' AS vendor,
0 AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM cached_users CROSS JOIN firefox_addons USING (uid)
name As name,
version AS version,
'' AS bundle_identifier,
'' AS extension_id,
'' AS browser,
'safari_extensions' AS source,
'' AS vendor,
0 AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM cached_users CROSS JOIN safari_extensions USING (uid)
name AS name,
version AS version,
'' AS bundle_identifier,
'' AS extension_id,
'' AS browser,
'homebrew_packages' AS source,
'' AS vendor,
0 AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM homebrew_packages
WHERE type = 'formula'
name AS name,
version AS version,
'' AS bundle_identifier,
'' AS extension_id,
'' AS browser,
'homebrew_packages' AS source,
'' AS vendor,
0 AS last_opened_at,
path AS installed_path
FROM homebrew_packages
WHERE type = 'cask'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file WHERE file.path LIKE CONCAT(homebrew_packages.path, '/%%') AND file.path LIKE '%.app%' LIMIT 1);
bash -c 'echo "name,version,extension_id,browser,source,release,vendor,arch,installed_path"; npm list -g --depth=0 --json 2>/dev/null | python3 -c "import sys, json; deps = json.load(sys.stdin).get(\"dependencies\", {}); [print(f\"{name},{info.get(\"version\",\"\")},,,npm_packages,,,\") for name, info in deps.items()]" ; pip3 freeze 2>/dev/null | awk -F== '\''{print $1\",\"$2\",,,,python_packages,,,\"}'\'''
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.
Bash commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.