Fleet’s built-in queries for collecting and storing important device information.
Retrieves information about user accounts.
WITH cached_groups AS (select * from groups)
SELECT uid, username, type, groupname, shell
FROM users LEFT JOIN cached_groups USING (gid)
WHERE type <> 'special' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/false' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/nologin' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/shutdown' AND shell NOT LIKE '%/halt' AND username NOT LIKE '%$' AND username NOT LIKE '\_%' ESCAPE '\' AND NOT (username = 'sync' AND shell ='/bin/sync' AND directory <> '')
$users = Get-LocalUser -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($users) {
$filtered = $users | Where-Object {
($_.Name -notmatch '\$$') -and ($_.Name -notmatch '^_')
$filtered | ForEach-Object {
# 'uid': No direct uid; using SID instead.
uid = $_.SID.Value
# 'username': Direct mapping from Name.
username = $_.Name
# 'type': No 'type' property; using a fixed value 'Local' for local accounts.
type = 'Local'
# 'groupname': No equivalent primary group info; set as 'N/A'.
groupname = 'N/A'
# 'shell': Not applicable on Windows; set as 'N/A'.
shell = 'N/A'
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
} else {
Write-Output 'No local users found.'
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.