

This page covers the things managers and other leaders at Fleet need to know about running a great company.


CEO flaws

Openness is important, and so I want to live that by sharing the flaws I know I have. I’m fully responsible for improving the things below, listing them is no excuse.

These flaws are listed here publicly for two reasons. The first is so that people know it is not just them, but actually my fault. The second is so I can improve and be held accountable.

  1. I have a bad habit of not wanting to impose.
  • But this can result in me over-specifying solutions for problems, instead of presenting the whole problem and putting someone in charge of it.
  • You can say: "Mike, what was the original problem? If I'm not the right person to run with solving it, I understand, but could you let me know some time candidly why I'm not?"
  1. I can get nervous and rush things.
  • I can speak quickly. It is ok to say “Mike, hold on a second.”
  • I can be quick to criticize before I appreciate, especially if something looks almost done.
  • I appreciate it when fleeties ask “What do you think of my work?” It reminds me I'm speaking in front of the sculptor, not just alone with the statue.
  • I can hurry to decisions when I think something is time-sensitive or nearly ready to ship. It is ok to say “I’m looking for early feedback" vs. “I’m not yet 70% sure I’m 100% done with this."
  1. I often need to talk to think.
  • It is ok to set a boundary and let me marinade. You might say: "Hold up. What is our goal?"
  • I get grumpy when I am tired and I worry that I'll forget to follow up about things. So I try to say them all.
  • I can talk too much. On video calls, and especially during a screenshare session, I sometimes will keep talking longer than I otherwise would. If you get lost, or overwhelmed, you can interrupt me or send a chat: "Hold up, I'm feeling out of phase from this conversation."
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If you notice one of these flaws, and especially if you deliver feedback about it and don't feel heard, or you feel hurt, or you feel like I didn't "get it", please send me a link to this section of the handbook, or just interrupt me and give me feedback in the moment. I will be extremely grateful, and value your bravery in pursuit of what's in the best interest of the company. (And if I don't, keep trying. I'll come crawling back. Promise.)

Contact the CEO

Still want to contact the CEO? You can send @mikermcneil a DM in Fleet Slack, at-mention our CEO in the #help-leadership channel, or schedule time with the CEO.

CEO responsibilities

Ultimately, the CEO is responsible for the success or failure of the company. The CEO is the directly responsible individual (DRI) for pricing, tiers, the business model, human resources, legal counsel, signatures on all documents, and brand & product marketing (brandfronts, pitchfronts, featurefronts, ICPs, personas, and targeting).

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Note: When the CEO is out of office, CEO responsibilities are either paused, delegated, or coordinated through the Apprentice to the CEO so they can be handled promptly. (It depends on the responsibility and the situation.)


Outline of departmental page structure

Departmental pages are for reference, not philosophy. For philosophy, use "Communications" (for all fleeties), "Leadership" (for managers), "Product groups" (for core product and website contributors), and "Why this way?" (for key decisions).

Departmental pages exist to outline people, responsibilities, recurring rituals, and intake. They always follow the structure below.

Changes to departmental pages can be merged when the change results in a page consistent with this structure.

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Please see for an example of what this structure should look like in practice.

Biggest learning is that we federated carte blanche edit permissions a bit too early back in 2021, and it’s resulted in the need for a lot of cleanup as different people have had their hands in the content prior to introducing a framework for organizing that content.

For reference, Sid at Gitlab didn’t delegate ownership over pages away from a single individual (him) until they were close to 100 employees, whereas at Fleet we did it in the 15 employee stage, and are dealing with the consequences. It meant that until late 2023, about 1/3 of the Fleet handbook was completely wrong, duplicated, or out of date. (We’re now close to 100% accurate.)

The audience for the “Communications” page is every Fleetie.

The audience for the “Leadership” page is every manager.

The audience for individual department pages are the people working with and within that department (in that order, with “Contact us” and other generally useful information and intake channels listed first). This pass through the handbook has also eliminated several pages in favor of getting more onto single pages. This is because there is still a lot of duplication, and it’s easier to deal with when everything is on a single page.

If you have any questions or feedback, please make a pull request.

Departmental page structure:

  • # Name of department

    • "This handbook page details processes specific to working [with](#contact-us) and [within](#responsibilities) this department."

    • ## Team

      • Table that displays each position and the team member(s) that fill that position, linking each Fleetie's LinkedIn to their name and GitHub to GitHub user name. See handbook/digital-experience#team for example.
    • ## Contact us

      • "To make a request of this department, [create an issue]({DEPARTMENTAL-GITHUB-LABEL}&projects=& and a team member will get back to you within one business day (If urgent, mention a [team member](#team) in [#g-DEPARTMENTAL-SLACK-CHANNEL]({DEPARTMENTAL-SLACK-CHANNEL-LINK}))."
        • "Please use issue comments and GitHub mentions to communicate follow-ups or answer questions related to your request."
        • "Any Fleet team member can [view the kanban board]({DEPARTMENTAL-KANBAN-BOARD-LINK}/board?sprints=none) for this department, including pending tasks and the status of new requests."
  • ## Responsibilities

    • The "Responsibilities" section consists of a flat list of H3 sub-headings written in the imperative mood (e.g. "Process CEO inbox") and designed to be the internal "How-to" of each department.
  • ## Rituals


Key reviews

Every release cycle, each department leader discusses their key performance indicators (KPIs) (confidential) with the CEO. KPIs are numbers measuring results and everyday excellence, usually accompanied by time-bound goals.

In this meeting, the department leader discusses actual week-over-week progress toward the goals for a particular quarter with the CEO.

  • Key reviews are scheduled during the e-group time slot every three weeks and are not moved or rescheduled. If a department leader is not available to lead a particular key review, another team member from their department will join the meeting and discuss their department's key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Use this meeting to add, remove, or change the definitions or ownership of KPIs. Otherwise, KPI definitions do not change, even if those definitions have problems. For help with KPIs, contact the Digital Experience department.


At Fleet, we collaborate with core team members, consultants, advisors, and outside contributors from the community.

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Are you a new fleetie joining the Digital Experience team? For Loom recordings demonstrating how to make offers, hire, onboard, and more please see this classified Google Doc.


Hiring a consultant

In addition to core team members, from time to time Fleet hires consultants who may work for only a handful of hours on short projects.

A consultant is someone who we expect to either:

  • complete their relationship with the company in less than 6 weeks
  • or have a longer-term relationship with the company, but never work more than 10 hours per week.


  • do NOT receive company-issued laptops
  • do NOT receive Yubikeys
  • do NOT get a "Hiring" issue created for them
  • do NOT get a company email address, nor everyone's calendars, nor the shared drive (with occasional exceptions)
  • do NOT go through training using the contributor onboarding issue.
  • do NOT fill any existing open position

Consultants track time using the company's tools and sign Fleet's consulting agreement.

To hire a consultant, submit a new consultant onboarding request to the Digital Experience team.

Who ISN'T a consultant?

If a consultant plans to work more than 10 hours per week, or for longer than 6 weeks, they should instead be hired as a core team member.

Core team members:

  • are hired for an existing open position
  • are hired using Fleet's "Hiring" issue template, including receiving a company-issued laptop and Yubikeys
  • must be onboarded (complete the entire, unabridged onboarding process in Fleet's "Onboarding" issue template)
  • must be offboarded
  • get an email address
  • have a manager and a formal place in the company org chart
  • are listed in "🧑‍🚀 Fleeties" (private Google Doc)
  • are paid as part of the standard payroll ritual for the place they work and their employment classification.

Consultants aren't required to do any of those things.

Sending a consulting agreement

To send a consulting agreement, you will need to submit a new consultant onboarding request to the Digital Experience team. They will then peform the steps needed to bring aboard a new consultant.

You will be asked to provide the following details:

  • Consultant's name (or business name)
  • Consultant's email
  • Term of service (default is 1 month, 10hrs/week)
  • Who will be managing the output (approving hours) for the consultant
  • Consultant's fee (always ask for their hourly rate)
  • Any specific tools the consultant will need

If the consultant is international, you will also provide:

  • Country of residence
  • Consultant's date of birth
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To update a consultant's fee, submit an issue to Digital Experience with the consultant's name and new hourly rate.


Adding an advisor


Advisor agreements are sent through DocuSign, using the "Advisor Agreement" template.

  • Update the "Advisors" sheet
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    Note: Be sure to mark any columns that haven't been completed yet as "TODO"

  • Update the "Equity plan" sheet (which should have been automatically updated after updating "Advisors" thanks to the global unique IDs next to each row which are used to connect the spreadsheets) to reflect the default number of shares for advisor equity grants.
  • Send the advisor agreement through Docusign using the CEO's account, pulling the advisor's email address from a recent calendar event on the CEO's calendar.
  • Complete the first step of signing, which involves filling in the number of shares.
  • Then wait for the advisor to sign. (Fleet's CEO will sign after that.)

Then, to finalize a new advisor after signing is complete:

  • Schedule quarterly recurring 1h meeting between the CEO and the advisor, with 30m of recurring prep scheduled back to back ahead of the meeting.
  • Update the status columns in the "Advisors" sheet to show that the agreement has been signed, and ask the new advisor to add us on LinkedIn, Crunchbase, and Angellist.
  • Update "Equity plan" status columns to reflect updated status for this advisor, and to ensure the advisor's equity is queued up for the next quarterly equity grant ritual.

Creating a new position

Want to hire? Use these steps to hire a fleetie, not a consultant. Here's how to open up a new position on the core team:

  1. Propose headcount: Add the proposed position to "🧑‍🚀 Fleeties" in an empty row (but using one of the existing IDs. Unsure? Ask for help.) Be sure to include job title, manager, and department. Set the start date to the first Monday of the next month (This position is still only proposed (not approved), but would make it easier for the approver to have the date set).
  2. Propose job description: Copy, personalize, and publish the job description:
  • Create an entry for the proposed position in the open positions YAML file. To do this, you can either duplicate an existing open position and update the values, or you can copy and paste the commented out template at the top of the file.

  • Update the required values for the new entry:

    • jobTitle: The job title of the proposed position. This will determine the living URL of the page on the Fleet website.
    • department: The department of the proposed position.
    • hiringManagerName: The full name of this proposed position's hiring manager.
    • hiringManagerGithubUsername: The GitHub username of the proposed position's hiring manger. This is used to add the hiring manager as the open position page's maintainer.
    • hiringManagerLinkedInUrl: The url of the hiring manger's LinkedIn profile. People applying for this position will be asked to reach out to the manager on LinkedIn.
    • responsibilities: A Markdown list of the responsibilities of this proposed position.
    • experience: A Markdown list of the experience that applicants should have when applying for the proposed position.

A completed open position entry should look something like this:

- jobTitle: 🐈 Railway cat
  department: Jellicle cats
  hiringManagerName: Skimbleshanks
  hiringManagerGithubUsername: skimbieshanks
  responsibilities: |
    - ⏫ Elevate the standard of train travel
    - 📖 Learn the ins and outs of rail operations
    - 🏃‍♂️ Dash through stations to ensure punctuality
  experience: |
    - 🎯 Punctuality is crucial
    - 🌐 Familiarity with the Northern Line
    - 👥 Excellent at commanding attention
    - 🤝 Adept at coordinating with the Night Mail
    - 🦉 Skilled at nocturnal operations
    - 🛠️ Proficient in tap-dance communication
    - 🟣 Ability to maintain railway order and standards
    - 🐭 Can swiftly and silently eliminate any rodent problems
    - 💭 Speak the language of timetable jargon
    - 💖 Sing praises of a smooth rail journey
    - 🐭 Can articulate effective rodent control strategies
  • Create a pull request to add the new position to the YAML file.

  • _Note: The "living" URL where the new page will eventually exist on won't ACTUALLY exist until your pull request is merged. A link will be added in the "Open positions" section of the company handbook page.

  1. Link to pull request in "Fleeties:" Include a link to your GitHub pull request in the "Job description" column for the new row you just added in "Fleeties".

  2. Get it approved and merged: When you submit your proposed job description, the CEO will be automatically tagged for review and get a notification. He will consider where this role fits into Fleet's strategy and decide whether Fleet will open this position at this time. He will review the data carefully to try and catch any simple mistakes, then tentatively budget cash and equity compensation and document this compensation research. He will set a tentative start date (which also indicates this position is no longer just "proposed"; it's now part of the hiring plan.) Then the CEO will start a #hiring-xxxxx-YYYY Slack channel, at-mentioning the original proposer and letting them know their position is approved. (Unless it isn't.)

  • Why bother with approvals? We avoid cancelling or significantly changing a role after opening it. It hurts candidates too much. Instead, get the position approved first, before you start recruiting and interviewing. This gives you a sounding board and avoids misunderstandings.

Approving a new position

When review is requested on a proposal to open a new position, the Apprentice to the CEO will complete the following steps when reviewing the pull request:

  1. Consider role and reporting structure: Confirm the new row in "Fleeties" has a manager, job title, and department, that it doesn't have any corrupted spreadsheet formulas or formatting, and that the start date is set to the first Monday of the next month.
  2. Read job description: Confirm the job description consists only of changes to "Responsibilities" and "Experience," with an appropriate filename, and that the content looks accurate, is grammatically correct, and is otherwise ready to post in a public job description on
  3. Budget compensation: Ballpark and document compensation research for the role based on
    • Add screenshot: Scroll to the very bottom of "¶¶ 💌 Compensation decisions (offer math)" and add a new heading for the role, pattern-matching off of the names of other nearby role headings. Then create written documentation of your research for future reference. The easiest way to do this is to take screenshots of the relevant benchmarks in Pave and paste those screenshots under the new heading.
  4. Decide: Decide whether to approve this role or to consider it a different time. If approving, then:
    • Update financial model: Update "¶ Financial model"
    • Update team database: Update the row in "¶¶ 🥧 Equity plan" using the benchmarked compensation and share count.
      • Salary: Enter the salary: If the role has variable compensation, use the role's OTE (on-target earning estimate) as the budgeted salary amount, and leave a note in the "Notes (¶¶)" cell clarifying the role's bonus or commission structure.
      • Equity: Enter the equity as a number of shares, watching the percentage that is automatically calculated in the next cell. Keep guessing different numbers of shares until you get the derived percentage looking like what you want to see.
    • Create Slack channel: Create a private "#YYYY-hiring-xxxxxx" Slack channel (where "xxxxxx" is the job title and YYYY is the current year) for discussion and invite the hiring manager and Head of Digital Experience.
    • Publish opening: Approve and merge the pull request. The job posting will go live within ≤10 minutes.
    • Track as approved in "Fleeties": In the "Fleeties" spreadsheet, find the row for the new position and update the "Job description" column and replace the URL of the pull request that originally proposed this new position with the URL of the GitHub merge commit when that PR was merged.
    • Reply to requestor: Post a comment on the pull request, being sure to include a direct link to their live job description on (This is the URL where candidates can go to read about the job and apply. For example:
      The new opening is now live!  Candidates can apply at
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Note: Most columns of the "Equity plan" are updated automatically when "Fleeties" is, based on the unique identifier of each row, like 🧑‍🚀890. (Advisors have their own flavor of unique IDs, such as 🦉755, which are defined in "Advisors and investors".)


Fleet accepts job applications, but the company does not list positions on general purpose job boards. This prevents us being overwhelmed with candidates so we can fulfill our goal of responding promptly to every applicant. This means that outbound recruiting, 3rd party recruiters, and references from team members are important aspect of the company's hiring strategy. Fleet's CEO is happy to assist with outreach, intros, and recruiting strategy for candidates.


Receiving job applications

Every job description page ends with a "call to action", including a link to the hiring manager's LinkedIn to apply for the job directly with the hiring manager. Fleet replies to all candidates within 1 business day and always provides either a rejection or decisive next steps; even if the next step is just a promise. Hiring managers are encouraged to use email/message templates for consistency and efficiency.

Candidate correspondence email templates

Fleet uses certain email templates when responding to candidates. This helps us live our value of 🔴 empathy and helps the company meet the aspiration of replying to all applications within one business day.

Hiring restrictions

Incompatible former employers

Fleet maintains a list of companies with whom Fleet has do-not-solicit terms that prevents us from making offers to employees of these companies. The list is in the Do Not Solicit tab of the Digital Experience spreadsheet.

Incompatible locations

Fleet is unable to hire team members in some countries. See this internal document for the list.


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TODO: Rewrite this section for the hiring manager as our audience.

We're glad you're interested in joining the team! Here are some of the things you can anticipate throughout this process:

  • We will reply by email within one business day from the time when the application arrives.
  • You may receive a rejection email (Bummer, consider applying again in the future).
  • You may receive an invitation to "book with us." If you've been invited to "book with us," you'll have a Zoom meeting with the hiring team to discuss the next steps.

Department specific interviewing instructions:

Hiring a new team member

This section is about the hiring process a new core team member, or fleetie.

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Note: Employment classification isn't what makes someone a fleetie. Some Fleet team members are contractors and others are employees. The distinction between "contractor" and "employee" varies in different geographies, and the appropriate employment classification and agreement for any given team member and the place where they work is determined by Head of Digital Experience during the process of making an offer.

Here are the steps hiring managers follow to get an offer out to a candidate:

  1. Call references: Before proceeding, make sure you have 2-5+ references. Ask the candidate for at least 2-5+ references and contact each reference in parallel using the instructions in Fleet's reference check template. Be respectful and keep these calls very short.
  2. Add to team database: Update the Fleeties doc to accurately reflect the candidate's:
    • Start date
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Tip: No need to check with the candidate if you haven't already. Just guess. First Mondays tend to make good start dates. When hiring an international employee, recommends starting the hiring process a month before the new employee's start date.

  • First and last name
  • Preferred pronoun ("them", "her", or "him")
  • LinkedIn URL (If the fleetie does not have a LinkedIn account, enter N/A)
  • Location of candidate
  1. Compile feedback into a single doc: In the "interview packet", include feedback from interviews, reference checks, and challenge submissions. Include any other notes you can think of offhand, and embed links to any supporting documents that were impactful in your final decision-making, such as portfolios or challenge submissions.

    • Name the doc with a short, formulaic name that's easy to understand in an instant from just an email subject line (e.g. "Why hire Jane Doe ("Train Conductor") - 2023-03-21").
    • Share this single document with the CEO and Head of Digital Experience.
  2. Request a CEO interview: Copy the template below, paste it in the hiring Slack channel for the position, and complete all "TODOs" before sending.

     *CEO interview request:*
     Hi @Savannah Friend, the following candidate is ready for a CEO interview. cc: @Sam Pfluger
     - Name: TODO
     - Position: TODO
     - LinkedIn: TODO
     - Email: TODO
     - Single doc URL: TODO
  3. Confirm intent to offer: Share the single document (the "interview packet") with the Head of Digital Experience via Google Drive.

    • Share this single document with the Head of Digital Experience via email.
    • When the Head of Digital Experience receives this shared doc in their email with the compiled feedback about the candidate, they will understand that to mean that it is time for Fleet to make an offer to the candidate.

Making an offer

After receiving the interview packet, the Head of Digital Experience uses the following steps to make an offer:

  1. Prepare the "exit scenarios" spreadsheet: 🌐 Head of Digital Experience copies the "Exit scenarios (template)" for the candidate, and renames the copy to e.g. "Exit scenarios for Jane Doe".
    • Edit the candidate's copy of the exit scenarios spreadsheet to reflect the number of shares in "🥧 Equity plan", and the spreadsheet will update automatically to reflect their approximate ownership percentage.
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      Note: Don't play with numbers in the exit scenarios spreadsheet. The revision history is visible to the candidate, and they might misunderstand.

  2. Prepare offer: 🌐 Head of Digital Experience copies "Offer email (template)" and renames to e.g. "Offer email for Jane Doe". Edit the candidate's copy of the offer email template doc and fill in the missing information:
    • Benefits: If candidate will work outside the US, change the "Benefits" bullet to reflect what will be included through Fleet's international payroll provider, depending on the candidate's location.
    • Equity: Highlight the number of shares with a link to the candidate's custom "exit scenarios" spreadsheet.
    • Hand off: Share the offer email doc with the Apprentice to the CEO.
  3. Draft email: 🦿 Apprentice to the CEO drafts the offer email in the CEO's inbox, reviews one more time, and then brings it to their next daily meeting for CEO's approval:
    • To: The candidate's personal email address (use the email from the CEO interview calendar event)
    • Cc: Head of Digital Experience
    • Subject: "Full time?"
    • Body: Copy the offer email verbatim from the Google doc into Gmail as the body of the message, formatting and all, then:
      • Check all links in offer letter for accuracy (e.g. LinkedIn profile of hiring manager, etc.)
      • Click the surrounding areas to ensure no "ghost links" are left from previous edits... which has happened before.
      • Re-read the offer email one last time, and especially double-check that the salary, number of shares, and start date match the numbers that are currently in the equity plan.
  4. Send offer: 🐈‍⬛ CEO reviews and sends the offer to the candidate:
    • Grant the candidate "edit" access to their "exit scenarios" spreadsheet.
    • Send the email.
  5. Process the offer response The Head of Digital Experience will process the offer response by either creating a new "Teammate pre-onboarding" issue and following the steps if the offer is accepted or notifying the stakeholders that the offer was not accepted and we should continue the search.

After an offer is accepted

The Head of Digital Experience will then follow the steps in the "Teammate pre-onboarding" issue, which includes reaching out to the new team member within 1 business day from a separate email thread to get additional information as needed, prepare their agreement, add them to the company's payroll system, and get their new laptop and hardware security keys ordered so that everything is ready for them to start on their first day.

Create a 30-60-90 day plan

The hiring manager creates a 30-60-90 day plan outlining key role objectives to be reviewed in 1:1 meetings during the first three months of employment. To create the 30-60-90 day plan, use the prompts in the "Vision" section of the new teammates 1:1 meeting doc (TEMPLATE) to ensure continuous support and alignment with company goals.

CEO shadow program

The CEO shadow program is a three-day temporary assignment (usually completed during onboarding) in which core team members will shadow all relevant meetings on the CEO's calendar. This gives team members an overview of all aspects of the company and provides high context and in turn, high-output contributors. The program also creates opportunities for the CEO to build relationships with team members across the company and to identify challenges and opportunities earlier.

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What it's not: The CEO shadow program is not a performance evaluation or a determinating factor for a promotion or raise.

As a CEO shadow, you will be attending both internal and external meetings regarding various areas of the company. In order to make the most of your time as a shadow:

  • Be on time: Your time is priceless, your time as a CEO shadow is short! Join each meeting on time, this limits the distraction for other attendees and gives the CEO the opportunity to introduce you to other folks on the call without interrupting the meeting.
  • Be present: During meetings outside of your department, it can be easy to find yourself charging ahead on other projects. The interactions you'll have in these meetings and the context you'll gain are important.
  • Be active: There are many short-term tasks you'll be asked to perform as a shadow. Here are some examples:
    • Prepare for, participate in, take notes during, and follow up on meetings.
    • Make handbook updates and shadow PR reviews.
    • Solve urgent issues. For example, help solve a complaint from a customer or coordinate the response to a technical issue.
    • Create and/or complete GitHub issues involving multiple departments at Fleet, and work towards closing or creating pull requests to complete issues.

Prepare for the program

CEO shadows join all meetings on the CEO's calendar that do not have "[no shadows]" appended to the calendar event title. Before beginning your time as a CEO shadow:

  1. Make sure you've read through the CEO flaws to better understand how to communicate with him.
  2. Update your Zoom display name to be "CEO shadow | [your name]" (e.g. "CEO shadow | Jayne Doo").
  3. Know which meetings you're expected to join. You won't be listed as an attendee on any of the CEO's calendar events to avoid confusion when scheduling meetings with external participants. You're intentionally marked out of office to avoid scheduling conflicts.
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Please DO NOT add yourself as an attendee to any of the CEO's meetings. The CEO regularly meets with prospects and customers in the community, and without the context of the CEO shadow program, an unknown name on the calendar event could be mistaken for a sales tactic.

Tracking hours

Fleet asks US-based hourly contributors to track hours in Gusto, and contributors outside the US to track hours via This applies to anyone who gets paid by the hour, including consultants and hourly core team members of any employment classification, inside or outside of the US.

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Note: If a contributor uses their own time-tracking process or tools, then it is OK to track the extra time spent tracking! Contributors at Fleet are evaluated based on their results, not the number of hours they work.

Communicating departures

Although it's sad to see someone go, Fleet understands that not everything is meant to be forever like open-source is. There are a few steps that the company needs to take to facilitate a departure.

  1. Departing team member's manager: Create a private "#YYYY-offboarding-xxxxxx" Slack channel (replace "xxxxxx" with the Fleetie's name and YYYY with current year) for discussion and invite the CEO and Head of Digital Experience. Document any context about the departure via "FYI:" in the "¶ 🗣 E-Group weekly" (confidential Google Doc).
  2. Digital Experience: The Head of Digital Experience will coordinate the team member's last day, offboarding, and exit meeting, then create and begin completing offboarding issue, to include coordinating team member's last day, offboarding, and exit meeting. At the appropriate time, The Head of Digital Experience will post in #g-e to inform the E-group of the team member's departure, asking E-group members to inform any other managers on their teams.
  3. CEO: The CEO will make an announcement during the "🌈 Weekly Update" post on Friday in the #general channel on Slack.

Request a role change for a Fleetie

From time to time, someone's job title changes. The hiring manager can use the following steps to change someone's position:

  1. Create Slack channel: Create a private "#YYYY-change-title-for-xxxxxx" Slack channel (replace "xxxxxx" with the Fleetie's name and YYYY with current year) for discussion and invite the CEO and Head of Digital Experience.
  2. At-mention the Head of Digital Experience in the new channel with any context regarding the title change. Share any related documents with the Head of Digital Experience and the CEO.
  3. After getting approval from the Head of People, the Digital Experience team will take the necessary steps to change the fleetie's job title.

Delivering performance feedback

When it comes to performance feedback, speak freely, sooner, and provide an explicit example of the behavior you observed and the impact it had.

  1. Deliver negative feedback privately whenever possible, and be constructive not punitive. Celebrate positive feedback publicly.
  2. Performance management is a part of every 1:1 document. Start each 1:1 by delivering performance feedback.
  3. When you meet with your manager for your 1:1, periodically provide an update on how each of your direct reports is doing at the top of your own "Performance management" section in your 1:1 agenda doc.

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