We’re launching free support for BYOD Android devices and looking for early feedback. Interested?
Lucas Rodriguez
Lucas Rodriguez
Available in Fleet Premium.
CIS Benchmarks represent the consensus-based effort of cybersecurity experts to help you protect your systems against threats more confidently. For more information about CIS Benchmarks check out Center for Internet Security's website.
Fleet has implemented native support for CIS Benchmarks for the following platforms:
Where possible, each CIS Benchmark is implemented with a policy query in Fleet.
These policy queries are intended to assess your organization's security posture against the CIS benchmarks. Because the policy queries alone do not remediate security issues, a host may fail a CIS Benchmark policy if there is no device profile or script in place to enforce the setting. By enabling automations in Fleet, these policy queries can used as the basis for managing security compliance and remediation in Fleet.
For example, this is the query for CIS - Ensure FileVault Is Enabled (MDM Required):
SELECT 1 FROM managed_policies WHERE
domain='com.apple.MCX' AND
name='dontAllowFDEDisable' AND
(value = 1 OR value = 'true') AND
username = ''
SELECT 1 FROM managed_policies WHERE
domain='com.apple.MCX' AND
name='dontAllowFDEDisable' AND
(value != 1 AND value != 'true')
SELECT 1 FROM disk_encryption WHERE
user_uuid IS NOT "" AND
filevault_status = 'on'
This policy is evaluating 2 attributes:
If either of these conditions fails, the host is considered to be failing the policy.
All CIS policies are stored under our restricted licensed folder ee/cis/
. To easily convert the CIS benchmarks YAML raw file to a YAML array format compatible with Fleet GitOps, follow these steps:
#shellcheck disable=SC2207
# convert.cis.policy.queries.yml @2024 Fleet Device Management
# CIS queries as written here:
# https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/blob/main/ee/cis/macos-14/cis-policy-queries.yml
# must be converted to be uploaded via Fleet GitOps.
# This script takes as input the YAML from the file linked above & creates a new YAML array compatible with the "Separate file" format documented here:
# https://fleetdm.com/docs/configuration/yaml-files#separate-file
# get CIS queries raw file from Fleet repo
# cisspfl='/private/tmp/cis.gitops.yml'
/usr/bin/curl -X GET -LSs "$cisfile" -o "$cispath"
# create CIS benchmark array
cisarry=($(/opt/homebrew/bin/yq '.spec.name' "$cispath" | /usr/bin/grep -v '\-\-\-'))
for i in "${cisarry[@]}"
cisname="$(/opt/homebrew/bin/yq ".[] | select(.name == \"$i\") | (del(.platforms)) | (del(.purpose)) | (del(.tags)) | (del(.contributors))" "$cispath" | /opt/homebrew/bin/yq eval '.name')"
cispfrm="$(/opt/homebrew/bin/yq ".[] | select(.name == \"$i\") | (del(.platforms)) | (del(.purpose)) | (del(.tags)) | (del(.contributors))" "$cispath" | /opt/homebrew/bin/yq eval '.platform')"
cisdscr="$(/opt/homebrew/bin/yq ".[] | select(.name == \"$i\") | (del(.platforms)) | (del(.purpose)) | (del(.tags)) | (del(.contributors))" "$cispath" | /opt/homebrew/bin/yq eval --unwrapScalar=true '.description')"
cisrslt="$(/opt/homebrew/bin/yq ".[] | select(.name == \"$i\") | (del(.platforms)) | (del(.purpose)) | (del(.tags)) | (del(.contributors))" "$cispath" | /opt/homebrew/bin/yq eval --unwrapScalar=true '.resolution')"
cisqrry="$(/opt/homebrew/bin/yq ".[] | select(.name == \"$i\") | (del(.platforms)) | (del(.purpose)) | (del(.tags)) | (del(.contributors))" "$cispath" | /opt/homebrew/bin/yq eval --unwrapScalar=true '.query')"
printf "name: %s\nplatform: %s\ndescription: |\n%s\nresolution: |\n%s\nquery: |\n%s\n" "$cisname" "$cispfrm" "$cisdscr" "$cisrslt" "$cisqrry" | /usr/bin/sed 's/^/ /g;s/^[[:space:]]*name:/- name:/;s/^[[:space:]]*platform:/ platform:/;s/^[[:space:]]*description:/ description:/;s/^[[:space:]]*resolution:/ resolution:/;s/^[[:space:]]*query:/ query:/'
# set -x
# trap read debug
# /usr/bin/awk '/apiVersion/{flag=1} /^ contributors:/{flag=2} flag')"
# /usr/bin/sed -n "/$i/,/^----+/p" "$sqlfile"
If you're using fleetctl apply
, you can apply the policies to a specific team use the --policies-team
fleetctl apply --policies-team "Workstations" -f cis-policy-queries.yml
CIS designates various benchmarks as Level 1 or Level 2 to describe the level of thoroughness and burden that each benchmark represents.
Each benchmark is tagged as CIS_Level1
or CIS_Level2
Items in this profile intend to:
This profile extends the "Level 1" profile. Items in this profile exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:
Following are the requirements to use the CIS Benchmarks in Fleet:
, Fleet's lightweight agent.Certain benchmarks cannot be automated by a policy in Fleet. For a list of specific benchmarks which are not covered, please visit the README for each benchmark:
In August 2023, we completed scale testing on 10k Windows hosts and 70k macOS hosts. Ultimately, we validated both server and host performance at that scale.
Detailed results are here.