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The CVEs that are unpatched on the device from SOFA.

Column Type Description
actively_exploited text "true" if this CVE is being actively exploited, "false" otherwise
cve text The CVE identifier, like "CVE-2024-1580"
os_version text If not specified, this is the version of the operating system that the device is running
patched_version text The security release that patched this CVE, like "14.4.1"


For historical data, use the os_version predicate

SELECT * FROM sofa_unpatched_cves WHERE os_version="14.4.0"


This table is from the Mac Admins osquery extension.

  • By default this table will return all unpatched vulnerability data for the running operating system.

  • Use the url constraint (in the WHERE clause) to specify a data source other than the SOFA feed.