File (executable, bundle, installer, disk) code signing status.
Column | Type | Description |
arch | text | If applicable, the arch of the signed code |
authority | text | Certificate Common Name |
cdhash | text | Hash of the application Code Directory |
hash_resources | integer | Set to 1 to also hash resources, or 0 otherwise. Default is 1 |
identifier | text | The signing identifier sealed into the signature |
path | text | Must provide a path or directory Required in WHERE clause |
signed | integer | 1 If the file is signed else 0 |
team_identifier | text | The team signing identifier sealed into the signature |
Identify system extensions that are not managed via MDM and see their signature status.
SELECT se.identifier, se.bundle_path, se.category, se.state, s.signed FROM system_extensions se JOIN signature s on s.path = se.bundle_path WHERE se.mdm_managed='0';