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System mounted devices and filesystems (not process specific).

Column Type Description
blocks bigint Mounted device used blocks
blocks_available bigint Mounted device available blocks
blocks_free bigint Mounted device free blocks
blocks_size bigint Block size in bytes
device text Mounted device
device_alias text Mounted device alias
flags text Mounted device flags
inodes bigint Mounted device used inodes
inodes_free bigint Mounted device free inodes
path text Mounted device path
type text Mounted device type


Returns the drive free space in gigabytes and as percentage.

SELECT path, type, ROUND((blocks_available * blocks_size * 10e-10), 2) AS free_gb, ROUND ((blocks_available * 1.0 / blocks * 1.0) * 100, 2) AS free_pc FROM mounts WHERE path = '/';