Fleet uses osquery tables to query operating system, hardware, and software data. Each table provides specific data for analysis and filtering.
Provides information about the internal battery of a laptop. Note: On Windows, columns with Ah or mAh units assume that the battery is 12V.
Column | Type | Description |
amperage | integer | The current amperage in/out of the battery in mA (positive means charging, negative means discharging) |
charged | integer | 1 if the battery is currently completely charged. 0 otherwise |
charging | integer | 1 if the battery is currently being charged by a power source. 0 otherwise |
chemistry | text | The battery chemistry type (eg. LiP). Some possible values are documented in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/power/battery-information-str. Not returned in SELECT * FROM battery .Only available on Windows |
condition | text | One of the following: "Normal" indicates the condition of the battery is within normal tolerances, "Service Needed" indicates that the battery should be checked out by a licensed Mac repair service, "Permanent Failure" indicates the battery needs replacement Only available on macOS |
current_capacity | integer | The battery's current capacity (level of charge) in mAh |
cycle_count | integer | The number of charge/discharge cycles |
designed_capacity | integer | The battery's designed capacity in mAh |
health | text | One of the following: "Good" describes a well-performing battery, "Fair" describes a functional battery with limited capacity, or "Poor" describes a battery that's not capable of providing power Only available on macOS |
manufacture_date | integer | The date the battery was manufactured UNIX Epoch Only available on macOS |
manufacturer | text | The battery manufacturer's name |
max_capacity | integer | The battery's actual capacity when it is fully charged in mAh |
minutes_to_full_charge | integer | The number of minutes until the battery is fully charged. This value is -1 if this time is still being calculated. On Windows this is calculated from the charge rate and capacity and may not agree with the number reported in "Power & Battery" |
minutes_until_empty | integer | The number of minutes until the battery is fully depleted. This value is -1 if this time is still being calculated |
model | text | The battery's model number |
percent_remaining | integer | The percentage of battery remaining before it is drained |
serial_number | text | The battery's serial number |
state | text | One of the following: "AC Power" indicates the battery is connected to an external power source, "Battery Power" indicates that the battery is drawing internal power, "Off Line" indicates the battery is off-line or no longer connected |
voltage | integer | The battery's current voltage in mV |
This table contains a lot of information about the health of batteries. This query shows how many cycles the battery of a device was used for, allowing you to identify users who put more wear on it and might need more frequent replacements.
SELECT cycle_count FROM battery;