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Identify SSH keys created without a passphrase which can be used in Lateral Movement (MITRE. TA0008)
To learn more about queries, check this guide.
SELECT uid, username, description, path, encrypted FROM users CROSS JOIN user_ssh_keys using (uid) WHERE encrypted=0;
$results = @()
# Get a list of user directories in C:\Users
$usersDirs = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach ($userDir in $usersDirs) {
$username = $userDir.Name
$sshFolder = Join-Path $userDir.FullName ".ssh"
if (Test-Path $sshFolder) {
# Attempt to retrieve local user information; if not found, leave empty
$localUser = Get-LocalUser -Name $username -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$uid = if ($localUser) { $localUser.SID.Value } else { "" }
$description = if ($localUser) { $localUser.Description } else { "" }
# Get all files in the .ssh folder that are not public-key files
$keyFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $sshFolder -File | Where-Object { $_.Extension -ne ".pub" }
foreach ($key in $keyFiles) {
# Read the key file; if it contains "ENCRYPTED" assume it is encrypted
$content = Get-Content $key.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($content -match "ENCRYPTED") {
$enc = 1
else {
$enc = 0
if ($enc -eq 0) {
$results += [pscustomobject]@{
uid = $uid
username = $username
description = $description
path = $key.FullName
encrypted = $enc
$results | Format-Table -AutoSize
echo "uid,username,description,path,encrypted"; for u in /Users/*; do [ -d "$u/.ssh" ] || continue; user=$(basename "$u"); uid=$(id -u "$user" 2>/dev/null); desc=$(dscl . -read /Users/"$user" RealName 2>/dev/null | sed '1d;s/^ *//'); for f in "$u"/.ssh/*; do [ -f "$f" ] || continue; grep -q "ENCRYPTED" "$f" 2>/dev/null || echo "$uid,$user,$desc,$f,0"; done; done
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.
Bash commands for macOS are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.