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Identify SSH keys created without a passphrase which can be used in Lateral Movement (MITRE. TA0008)
To learn more about queries, check this guide.
SELECT uid, username, description, path, encrypted FROM users CROSS JOIN user_ssh_keys using (uid) WHERE encrypted=0 and username in (SELECT distinct(username) FROM last);
$lastOutput = & last
$lastUsernames = $lastOutput | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^\s*(\S+)') { $matches[1] }
} | Select-Object -Unique
$passwdFile = "/etc/passwd"
if (Test-Path $passwdFile) {
$lines = Get-Content $passwdFile
foreach ($line in $lines) {
# /etc/passwd format: username:password:UID:GID:GECOS:home_directory:shell
$fields = $line -split ":"
if ($fields.Length -ge 7) {
$username = $fields[0]
$uid = $fields[2]
$description = $fields[4]
$homeDir = $fields[5]
if ($lastUsernames -contains $username) {
# Assume the user's SSH authorized_keys file is in .ssh/authorized_keys in their home directory
$sshKeyPath = Join-Path $homeDir ".ssh/authorized_keys"
if (Test-Path $sshKeyPath) {
$keyLines = Get-Content $sshKeyPath
foreach ($keyLine in $keyLines) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($keyLine)) {
# Determine if the key is encrypted by looking for the keyword "ENCRYPTED"
$encrypted = if ($keyLine -match "ENCRYPTED") { 1 } else { 0 }
if ($encrypted -eq 0) {
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{
uid = $uid
username = $username
description = $description
path = $sshKeyPath
encrypted = $encrypted
Write-Output $result
printf "uid,username,description,path,encrypted\n"; for u in $(last | awk '{print $1}' | grep -vE '^(wtmp|reboot)$' | sort -u); do [ -d "/Users/$u/.ssh" ] && for f in $(find "/Users/$u/.ssh" -type f -name "authorized_keys*" 2>/dev/null); do uid=$(id -u "$u"); desc=$(dscl . -read /Users/"$u" RealName 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/^ //'); echo "$uid,$u,$desc,$f,0"; done; done
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.
Bash commands for macOS are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.