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Get Nmap scanner process, as well as its user, parent, and process details.
To learn more about queries, check this guide.
SELECT p.pid, name, p.path, cmdline, cwd, start_time, parent, (SELECT name FROM processes WHERE pid=p.parent) AS parent_name, (SELECT username FROM users WHERE uid=p.uid) AS username FROM processes as p WHERE cmdline like 'nmap%';
$processes = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE CommandLine LIKE 'nmap%'"
foreach ($proc in $processes) {
# Get parent's name
$parentName = ""
if ($proc.ParentProcessId) {
$parentProc = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId=$($proc.ParentProcessId)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($parentProc) {
$parentName = $parentProc.Name
# Get username from process owner
$username = ""
$ownerInfo = $proc.GetOwner()
if ($ownerInfo.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
$username = "$($ownerInfo.Domain)\$($ownerInfo.User)"
# Convert WMI creation date to readable time
$startTime = $null
if ($proc.CreationDate) {
$startTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($proc.CreationDate)
# cwd is not available from Win32_Process; use placeholder
$cwd = "N/A"
# Create a custom object with the desired fields
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{
pid = $proc.ProcessId
name = $proc.Name
path = $proc.ExecutablePath
cmdline = $proc.CommandLine
cwd = $cwd
start_time = $startTime
parent = $proc.ParentProcessId
parent_name = $parentName
username = $username
Write-Output $result
echo "pid,name,path,cmdline,cwd,start_time,parent,parent_name,username"; for pid in $(ps -axo pid,args | awk '$0 ~ /^[[:space:]]*[0-9]+ nmap/ {print $1}'); do cmd=$(ps -p $pid -o args=); name=$(ps -p $pid -o comm=); path=$(lsof -p $pid | awk '$4=="txt" {print $9; exit}'); cwd=$(lsof -a -p $pid -d cwd 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==2 {print $9}'); start_time=$(ps -p $pid -o lstart=); parent=$(ps -p $pid -o ppid=); parent_name=$(ps -p $parent -o comm= 2>/dev/null); user=$(ps -p $pid -o user=); echo "$pid,$name,$path,$cmd,$cwd,$start_time,$parent,$parent_name,$user"; done
PowerShell commands are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.
Bash commands for macOS are currently work in progress, contributions welcome.