Get all software installed on a macOS computer, including apps, browser plugins, and installed packages. Note that this does not include other running processes in the processes table.
To learn more about queries, check this guide
SELECT name AS name, bundle_short_version AS version, 'Application (macOS)' AS type, 'apps' AS source FROM apps UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name As name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Safari)' AS type, 'safari_extensions' AS source FROM safari_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Homebrew)' AS type, 'homebrew_packages' AS source FROM homebrew_packages;
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