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Get current users with active shell/console on the system and associated process
To learn more about queries, check this guide.
SELECT user,host,time, p.name, p.cmdline, p.cwd, p.root FROM logged_in_users liu, processes p WHERE liu.pid = p.pid and liu.type='user' and liu.user <> '' ORDER BY time;
$computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$results = @()
Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | ForEach-Object {
$proc = $_
# Get owner information
$ownerInfo = $proc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName GetOwner
if ($ownerInfo.ReturnValue -eq 0 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ownerInfo.User)) {
# Create a custom object with the desired fields.
# Note: Windows does not expose current working directory (cwd) or process root via WMI,
# so these fields will be returned empty.
$results += [PSCustomObject]@{
user = $ownerInfo.User
host = $computerName
time = $proc.CreationDate
name = $proc.Name
cmdline = $proc.CommandLine
cwd = ""
root = ""
# Sort the results by time (process creation date) and output to stdout.
$results | Sort-Object time | Format-Table -AutoSize
echo "User,Host,Time,Name,Cmdline,Cwd,Root"; while read u tty d t r; do host=$(echo "$r" | sed -E 's/^\((.*)\)$/\1/'); pid=$(ps -t "$tty" -o pid= | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}'); if [ -n "$pid" ]; then name=$(ps -p "$pid" -o comm= | xargs); cmd=$(ps -p "$pid" -o command= | cut -d' ' -f2-); else name="N/A"; cmd="N/A"; fi; if [ -z "$host" ]; then host="N/A"; fi; echo "$u,$host,$d $t,$name,$cmd,N/A,N/A"; done < <(who)