

Goals of this guide

This is NOT meant to be an exhaustive list of all possible issues in Fleet and how to solve them.

This is a guide for going from a vague statement such as "things are not working correctly" to a more narrowed down and specific assessment. This doesn't necessarily mean a solution, but with a more specific assessment, it'll be easier for the Engineering team to help.

Note that even if you follow all those steps, the Engineering team might have follow-up questions.

Basic data that is needed

While it's not needed strictly 100% of the time, in most cases, it's extremely useful to have a clear understanding of the basic characteristics of the Fleet deployment with the issues:

  • Amount of total hosts.
  • Amount of online hosts.
  • Amount of scheduled queries.
  • Amount and size (CPU/Mem) of the Fleet instances.
  • Fleet instances CPU and Memory usage while the issue has been happening.
  • MySQL flavor/version in use.
  • MySQL server capacity (CPU/Mem).
  • MySQL CPU and Memory usage while the issue has been happening.
  • Are MySQL read replicas configured? If so, how many?
  • Redis version and server capacity (CPU/Mem).
  • Is Redis running in cluster mode?
  • Redis CPU and Memory usage while the issue has been happening.
  • The output of fleetctl debug archive.

Triaging the issue

The first step in understanding an issue better is figuring out in what area of the system the issue is happening. There are two main areas an issue might fall in: server-side or client-side.

A server-side issue is one where one of the few pieces of infrastructure on the server encounters an issue. Some of these pieces are: the MySQL database, the load balancer, a Fleet server instance.

A client-side issue is one where the issue occurs on the software that runs on the hosts (i.e. the machine that runs osquery/orbit/Fleet Desktop).

There are issues that expand both areas, but in most cases, the issue happens in one area, and the other is more of a symptom rather than the issue itself. So we'll continue this text with the assumption that multi-area issues are rare, and even if facing them, the following should help narrow it down.

While classifying client and server-side issues is easy, it's also not realistic. So let's expand the categories a bit more and let's "mark" them with keyword:

  1. Fleet itself (the binary/docker image running the Fleet API): SERVER
    1. A specific part of the Fleet UI is slow: PARTIALSERVER
  3. Redis: REDIS
  4. Infrastructure: INFRA
  5. osquery / orbit / Fleet Desktop: OSQUERY

With these areas in mind, here's a list of possible issues and what you should look into:

  • A specific device (or a handful of devices) is not behaving as expected -> OSQUERY
  • A specific device appears online, but the last fetch at is old -> OSQUERY
  • The Fleet UI is slow overall -> SERVER
  • A specific page (or a handful of pages, but not all) in the Fleet UI is slow -> PARTIALSERVER
  • New devices cannot enroll -> OSQUERY
  • Live query results come in very slowly -> REDIS or SERVER
  • osquery Extensions are not working correctly -> OSQUERY
  • fleetctl is getting errors when applying YAMLs -> SERVER
  • Migrations are taking too long -> MYSQL
  • I see connection/network errors on the fleetctl or osquery logs, but not on my Fleet logs -> INFRA


Whenever diagnosing a server-side issue, one of the first steps is to look at Fleet itself. In particular, that means looking at the logs across all running intances. How to look at these logs would vary depending on your deployment. If, for example, it's an AWS deployment, and you're using our terraform files as guidance, you'd use CloudWatch.

Fleet, by default, will log errors, which are the first thing for which to look. If you have debug logging enabled, you can filter errors by filtering the keyword err.

These logs will be the first way to triage a server-side error. For example, if there are timeouts happening in APIs, you should continue by looking at MYSQL and then REDIS. Otherwise, if it seems like a more illustrative error, this would be a good point to reach out with all the information gathered.

If there are no errors in the logs and everything looks normal, check INFRA.


Sometimes Fleet operates without any errors but accessing a specific part of the web UI is slow. As a starting point it would be good to get a screenshot of the Network tab in your browser’s Developer Tools. The primary data that needs to be visible are Name, Status, and Time (in Chrome's terms). Here's how to accomplish this using Google Chrome.

Besides this, it might be good to continue with MYSQL and REDIS.

Depending on the API, there will likely be follow-up questions about the amount of data, but this would be a good point to check in with Engineering.


Most of the data needed to understand an issue in MySQL should've been gathered already by the basic data specified at the beginning of this document. However, there is a chance that Fleet is running with a database user that is not capable of querying the information needed. So here are the queries that would output a good first step in information gathering:

show engine innodb status;
show processlist;

If read replicas are configured, another piece of important data is whether there has been any replication lag registered.

With all this gathered, it's a good time to reach out to the Engineering team.


In most cases, the data gathered at the beginning of this document should be enough to understand what might be happening with Redis. However, if more information is needed, running the monitor command should shed more light on the issue.

WARNING: if Redis is suffering from performance issues, running monitor will only increase the problem.

A less invasive way to check for more stats, if Elasticache is being used (or another system with more reporting), other metrics like current connections, replication lag if applicable, if one instance is largely overused compared to others in cluster mode, the number of commands per key type could help identify what is wrong.


Just like with the Fleet server, the best way to understand issues on the client-side is to look at logs.

If you are running vanilla osquery in the host, please restart the host with --tls_dump and --verbose. This will allow us to see more details as to what's happening in the communication with Fleet (or lack thereof). Check the official documentation for details about locating the logs and other configurations.

If you are running Fleetd, you should add --debug to the command-line options. This will get debug logs for Fleetd and also for osquery automatically. Check the fleetd docs for more details as to where to find Fleetd-specific logs.

If you're having issues with memory leaks or failures in the orbit process, then you can create a profile dump. This includes information about memory allocations and thread creation in order to debug excessive memory allocation. They should not include any sensitive data, such as tokens. You can see more information at the official go page. In order to create dumps, run pkill -USR1 orbit as root on macOS or Linux. The profiles should show up in a ZIP file in /opt/orbit/profiles, named according to the time they were created.

If you are running Fleet Desktop, there's no change needed, you should see the log file in the following directories depending on the platform:

  • Linux: $XDG_STATE_HOME/Fleet or $HOME/.local/state/Fleet
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Logs/Fleet
  • Windows: %LocalAppData%/Fleet

The log file name is fleet-desktop.log.

If the issue is related to osquery extensions, the following data would be needed:

  • osquery version
  • OS it's running on
  • What does the extension do?
  • How is the extension queried/deployed?
  • In what language is the extension implemented?
  • What's the nature of the problem? (i.e. whether the extension is respawning, the extension can’t connect, or the extension is up/working and then dies and can’t reconnect)

With this data, it's time to reach out to Engineering.


At this level, you want to look into Load Balancer logs, errors, and configurations. For instance, does the LB have a request size limit? If the LB is not terminating TLS, is that appropriately configured on the Fleet side?

Make sure as well that your cloud provider is not having issues of their own. For instances, check AWS for status.

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