Discovering xz vulnerability with Fleet


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Brock Walters

Discovering xz vulnerability with Fleet

Discovering xz vulnerability with Fleet

Detecting and remediating software vulnerabilities is more crucial than ever.

CVE-2024-3094 recently exposed a critical vulnerability in the xz libraries. This vulnerability, which can open backdoors on systems with xz installed starting from version 5.6.0, particularly affects sshd authentication.

Fleet is known for its ability to provide real-time insights and manage devices across platforms.

Because of this, we wanted to test using Fleet to build an end-to-end remediation workflow for CVE-2024-3094. The following case study looks at Fleet’s strengths and some areas where improvements could be made when using Fleet for this type of remediation.


The initial step involved leveraging Fleet's quick search capability, known as live query, to locate xz on Fleet’s computers.

This underscored Fleet's strength in identifying vulnerable software. It also revealed a limitation: out-of-the-box software search capabilities in the Fleet UI only gathered information about xzvia the homebrew_packages osquery table.

By adding saved queries like the ones below, Fleet can be customized to search for software like xz in more places across multiple computer platforms:

This query checks for libraries related to xz on a Linux system:

SELECT * FROM rpm_packages WHERE name LIKE '%xz%'
SELECT * FROM deb_packages WHERE name LIKE '%xz%'
SELECT * FROM programs WHERE name LIKE '%xz%';
An icon indicating that this section has important information

Running queries with wildcards may greatly impact Fleet Host performance.

This query checks for xz installations on a Linux system:

SELECT name,version,source FROM rpm_packages WHERE name='xz'
SELECT name,version,source FROM deb_packages WHERE name='xz'
SELECT name,version FROM programs WHERE name='xz';

This query checks common UNIX system paths for the xz binary:

SELECT path FROM file WHERE path IN ('/bin/xz','/usr/bin/xz','/usr/local/bin/xz','/sbin/xz','/usr/sbin/xz','/usr/local/sbin/xz');

This query checks if the xz process is currently running:

SELECT pid,name,path,cmdline FROM processes WHERE name='xz';

This query searches for references to xz in system logs:

SELECT * FROM syslog WHERE message LIKE '%xz%';

This query monitors changes to the xz binary using File Integrity Monitoring (FIM):

SELECT * FROM file_events WHERE target_path LIKE '%/xz';
An icon indicating that this section has important information

Enabling File Integrity Monitoring requires modification of the Fleet configuration. For more information, see file integrity monitoring (FIM) in the Fleet documentation for more information.

For more information on gathering data from Fleet Hosts, see the Fleet osquery table schema documentation.


Policy logic

Fleet’s Policy feature allows admins to craft custom SQL queries that run on Hosts enrolled in Fleet. A Policy is effectively a pass/fail test based on a query result.

Fleet can also be configured to send a webhook (i.e., an HTTP request) to a specified URL on a Policy failure - an extremely powerful feature.

In some use cases, SQL query logic is not always well-suited for returning pass / fail results from Fleet Hosts. The query required for this case is an example.

The Policy should fail if and only if the targeted file is found.

Policy screenshot - remediate xz version 5.6.0 & 5.6.1

Query explanation:

  • The “inner” query returns true if the file exists
  • The “outer” query returns the value 1 if the “inner” query determination is false

A Policy failure event generates the webhook to trigger our remediation automation.


Below is a script that will:

  • Determine if the xz package was installed via Homebrew
  • Update Homebrew if xz is detected

The Homebrew update rolls xz back to a known-good version.


# binary name to check

# get current logged in user
crntusr="$(/usr/bin/stat -f %Su /dev/console)"

# Check if brew is installed, exit with instruction if not
if ! /usr/bin/sudo -i -u "$crntusr" /usr/bin/which "$applstr" 2>&1 > /dev/null
    printf "Homebrew may not be installed.\nPlease install Homebrew to use this remediation.\nFor instructions, see"; exit

# collect xz version
xz_vers="$(/usr/bin/sudo -i -u "$crntusr" xz --version)"

# remediate via Homebrew
if [ -z "$xz_vers" ] 
    printf "xz not installed via Homebrew.\nHost may not vulnerable.\nExiting..."; exit
elif echo "$xz_vers" | /usr/bin/grep -E '5\.6\.0|5\.6\.1'
    printf "Executing Homebrew upgrade to roll xz back to known good version..."
    /usr/bin/sudo -i -u "$crntusr" brew upgrade xz; /usr/bin/sudo -i -u "$crntusr" brew cleanup xz --prune=0
    printf "xz version ok."

Integrating a third-party automation solution is required to execute this script if it is stored in Fleet. To complete the remediation workflow, the third-party solution must:

  • Receive the webhook sent from the Fleet Policy failure event
  • Use the webhook as a trigger to send an HTTP request to the Fleet API to execute the script

Here is a Tines workflow integration that performs these steps, remediating vulnerable Fleet Hosts:

Example Tines webhook workflow to run script

It is non-optimal to require a 3rd party solution for executing scripts. It would be ideal to have the ability in Fleet to find and remediate vulnerable Hosts via a Fleet-only workflow.


This case study illuminates Fleet's capabilities and, hopefully, will open a dialogue for improvement in the following areas:

  • Enhancing Fleet UI search capabilities
  • Simplifying Fleet Policy features to allow for more intuitive query logic
  • Adding Script execution capabilities in Fleet to streamline admin workflows

Efforts to mitigate the xz vulnerability at Fleet allowed us to gain valuable insights. By acknowledging current capability limitations, we intend to pave the way for future enhancements that will make Fleet a comprehensive device management solution - much more than just a tool for detection and data collection.

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