macOS | 130.0
Firefox is a powerful, open-source web browser built for speed, privacy, and customization.
To install Mozilla Firefox on your work computer:
Don’t see Mozilla Firefox or the Fleet Desktop icon? Send a link to this page to your IT team.
Run the following command in your terminal to uninstall Mozilla Firefox:
APPDIR="/Applications/" && LOGGED_IN_USER=$(scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ { print $3 }') && quit_application() { local bundle_id="$1"; local timeout_duration=10; if ! osascript -e "application id \"$bundle_id\" is running" 2>/dev/null; then return fi; local console_user; console_user=$(stat -f "%Su" /dev/console); if [[ $EUID -eq 0 && "$console_user" == "root" ]]; then echo "Not logged into a non-root GUI; skipping quitting application ID '$bundle_id'."; return fi; echo "Quitting application '$bundle_id'..."; local quit_success=false; SECONDS=0; while (( SECONDS < timeout_duration )); do if osascript -e "tell application id \"$bundle_id\" to quit" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! pgrep -f "$bundle_id" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Application '$bundle_id' quit successfully."; quit_success=true; break; fi; fi; sleep 1; done if [[ "$quit_success" = false ]]; then echo "Application '$bundle_id' did not quit."; fi } && trash() { local logged_in_user="$1"; local target_file="$2"; local timestamp="$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%s)"; local rand="$(jot -r 1 0 99999)"; if [[ "$target_file" == ~* ]]; then target_file="/Users/$logged_in_user${target_file:1}"; fi; local trash="/Users/$logged_in_user/.Trash"; local file_name="$(basename "${target_file}")"; if [[ -e "$target_file" ]]; then echo "removing $target_file."; mv -f "$target_file" "$trash/${file_name}_${timestamp}_${rand}"; else echo "$target_file doesn't exist."; fi } && quit_application 'org.mozilla.firefox' && sudo rm -rf "$APPDIR/" && sudo rm -rf 'firefox' && sudo rmdir '~/Library/Application Support/Mozilla' && sudo rmdir '~/Library/Caches/Mozilla' && sudo rmdir '~/Library/Caches/Mozilla/updates' && sudo rmdir '~/Library/Caches/Mozilla/updates/Applications' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/firefox_*' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Application Support/*' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/firefox_*' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Application Support/Firefox' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Caches/Firefox' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Caches/Mozilla/updates/Applications/Firefox' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.firefox' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.crashreporter.plist' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.firefox.plist' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/Saved Application State/org.mozilla.firefox.savedState' && trash $LOGGED_IN_USER '~/Library/WebKit/org.mozilla.firefox'
Run this query in Fleet to find old versions of Mozilla Firefox across all your computers:
SELECT 1 FROM apps WHERE bundle_identifier = 'org.mozilla.firefox' AND bundle_short_version <= '130.0';